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Happy Birthday! 본문

생각의 가치/기타

Happy Birthday!

케일럽 2014. 1. 4. 02:00

Hello hon~ this is best hb can do at the moment... from hon's next bday on, we shall celebrate it together for the rest of our natural lives... (maybe no more surprises though, since we will be together; maybe hon can expect surprises only on extra special occasions... ^^)

hb found a perfect birthday card for hon! since baking is hon's new hobby, hon can bake her own birthday cake! ^^

happy bday once again~ may your life prosper w love & health... and may fireflies guide your path to hb!!!

with love, hb...


if hb didn't call hon on her bday morning, it doesn't mean hb forgot about hon... it's probably an unforeseen series of events that prevented hb from calling hon on such a great day... plz bare w hb for hb loves hon dearly... hb meant to call her right when clock turned 00:00 on 4th of Jan!!!

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday dear/lovely Suzie~

Happy birthday to you~!!!

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