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넥서스s 순정 OTA 모드 OTA Mod for Stock Nexus S 본문

스마트폰/넥서스 S

넥서스s 순정 OTA 모드 OTA Mod for Stock Nexus S

케일럽 2012. 1. 17. 11:42

수퍼파우님께서 넥서스s 순정 OTA 위해 각가지 필요한 모드를 만들어 주셨다...

따로 커스텀 롬을 사용않해도 된다는 장점이 있고 순정롬처럼 자동으로 구글 서버와 동기화도 가능하다... 

각자의 취향에 따라 순정롬의 '입맛'이라고 표현했으며 안드로이드도 지금까지 간식 이름을 따로온것 처럼 각 버전마다 ABC 알파벳 순으로 아이스크림 이름으로 한다고 하신다... ㅋㅋ


I've been working on several modifications to the stock OTA ICS 4.0.3 ROM for the Nexus S

I'm sticking with OTA primarily due to the fact that the stock ROM maintains backup/restore functionality with Google servers.

Please apply 'flavours' to stock OTA ROM only, and perform a Nandroid backup prior to patching. This patch maintains 'odex'-ity as well.

As a bonus, I will be naming each revision as a flavour of ice cream. 

And as always, please post your results (good or bad). Thanks.



- distinguishable 3G/HSPA signal icon

- added tiny font size in Display options in Settings

- enable Dock options in Settings

- integrated Facebook contact sync (credit to MoDaCo for the motivation)

- reboot/recovery on power menu (credit to CyanogenMod for the UI)

- Name display for incoming calls

- Ice cream flavour displayed in About page

- Stop app via long-press of the back button

In progress

- Power Widgets on the notification bar

- Show/hide keyboard via long-press of the menu button

- Battery percentage on the status bar


Elderberry (version 0.5)

- Name display for incoming calls

- Stop app via long-press of the back button

- Ice cream flavour displayed in About page

- link: http://market.matthewhuie.com/xda/flavours

Double Chocolate Chip (version 0.4)

- Reboot selection (reboot, recovery, bootloader) has been added to the power menu

Chunky Monkey (version 0.3)

- Facebook contact sync has been integrated into the APK/odex; no longer needs a startup script

- requires end-user to clear data of Contacts Provider/Storage to recreate database

Butter Pecan (version 0.2)

- Facebook contact sync

- hijacks install-recovery.sh to load Facebook contact sync script

- tiny font size in Display options in Settings

- enable Dock options in Settings

Almond Praline (version 0.1)

- flashable zip through CWM

- distinguishable 3G/HSPA signal icon

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