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삶을 누리는 디비누스
딘타이펑 식당 Din Tai Fung Restaurant 본문
만두와 딤섬을 전문으로 하는 유명한 대만 맛집이 태국에도 들어왔다~!
popular Taiwanese restaurant specializes in wonton and dim sum is finally in Thailand...
위치는 바로 내가 일하는 센트럴 월드 식당가이다... 참고로 방콕 씨암 지상철 역에서 조금 걸어가면 된다...
its located right where i work, central world (CTW)... for your information, its a short walk from siam BTS station...
싱가포르에서 처음 먹어본 만두... 신기하게도 만두안에 국물이 들어가 있다...
i first tried it in Singapore... amazingly there is soup within the wonton...
대만에서도 엄청 유명하다는데 결국 태국에도 들어와서 한번 먹으러 갔다.
it's really popular in Taiwan; since its in Thailand, i went to try it...
the restaurant is huge as well... covers one whole corner on 7th floor...
menu outside the restaurant... though its not cheap, there's many types of wantons and delicious... ^^
restaurant interior...
we can see the chef making the wanton and dim sums... and there's so many of them... lol
even the spoon has din tai fung written on it...
pictures in the menu...
water wanton in hot sauce... though its chilly, its chewy and delicious...
sweet tofu with mushroom...
stew with noodles... the meat in the stew is really tender...
this is really delicious... it even has soup inside the wanton... i wonder how they made it...
just like the one in the menu...
fake food on display...
last pic with suziya... as always...
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