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삶을 누리는 디비누스
싸바이 짜이 식당 Sabai Jai Restaurant 본문
방콕 에카마이 길거리에 있는 구운 닭집~! 통닭이라고 하나? 태국어로는 까이 양이라고 한다...
roasted chicken on ekamai street~! in thai, its called kai yang...
식당 이름은 싸바이 짜이 또는 싸바이 까이 양 식당이라고 한다... 방콕에서 아주 유명한 맛집이다...
name of the restaurant is Sabai Jai or Sabai Kai Yang... its very popular place in bangkok...
값도 저렴하고 아주 맛있다~!
its cheap and delicious~!
잊을 수 없는 맛... 집 근처라서 자주 갈듯 하지만... 자주 못가는 곳... ㅠㅠ
i cant forget the taste... you'd think i go there often since its close, but i dont... T,T
the logo of the restaurant... lol
the specialty~ kai yang~!
khao niew or sticky rice... a must companion for kai yang...
isaan sausage from north of thailand... its fantastic when combined with a chilly...
somtam~! a must try dish in Thai... its sweet and at the same time sour... what a combination... you cant forget... you can dip your kai yang or khao niew in the soup... its just blows your mind...
salad that comes with the somtam... fresh vegetables... lol...
fried fish... this is chewy as well...
full table set~!
and lastly, a suki... you dip the veges and seafood on side into the water to eat... the shrimp is very chewy and good...
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