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카오야이 여행기 - 버섯 농장 Khao Yai Travel Diary - Mushroom Farm 본문
생각하지도 못한 버섯 농장을 발견했다...
found a mushroom farm out of nowhere...
그냥 오토바이 타고 돌아다니다가 길가에서 발견한 간판... 버섯 농장이라...
as i was riding around on my motorcycle, found a sign saying "Mushroom Farm"...
훗... 버섯도 먹을까 하면서 한번 들어가보았다...
hmm... maybe i will have some mushroom...
들어가니 한 태국 가족이 버섯 농장 가이드를 시켜줬다~! 아마도 그 가족의 딸인가... 아주 이쁜 중국계 여자 학생이 가이드~! >,<
when i went in for a look, a thai family gave me a tour around the mushroom farm... i think it was the daughter of the family... anyways... she was really cute looking... >,<
가이드하면서 여러가지 버섯들도 직접 땃다~!!!
i even had a chance to pick some mushroom myself...
투어가 끝나면 버섯 제품들 파는 곳으로 대려간다... 가격도 저렴하고 모든것이 그냥 다 신기하다...
after the tour, you get to buy mushroom products... its cheap and everything is just interesting...
그리고 내가 직접 딴 버섯은 요리까지 해준다~! 난 그냥 가져갔다... ㅋㅋ
they even cook the mushroom for me~! but i just took them home... lol
though i didnt enter the shop by this sign... because i dont have a picture of the building...
mushroom farm... each type has different time to grow...
the mushroom grows in the bag... its interesting and cute...
big white mushroom... i picked that big one in the center... >,<
i am picking the mushroom~! up and down & side to side... and it breaks off... lol... the cute girl guiding me took the picture for me~ >,<
a bigger mushroom... but i dont know any of the mushroom names... T,T
this is the mushroom i often eat at MK suki...
there was some kind of fruit outside the building... dont know what that was though... lol...
this is fried or dried mushroom.... ate the sample, which was good...
this is a mushroom crackers... this is good as well... everything was good~! love mushrooms~!
hmm... what are these two products? its some kind of mushroom anyways... lol... its all good and delicious~!
난 저 버섯 과자를 사먹었다~!
i bought the mushroom crackers...